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%O =*Organizational Learning / Managing Change +*0cThe Ethical Imperative of Learning and Growth Kenneth W. Johnson 1998, 1999 Kenneth W. JohnsonJ04(/$33www.EthicalEdge.com (("Organizational Ethics & Excellence#"Ethics as pragmatic, evolutionary. Organizational Ethics as a change process. Implementing change Dealing with change Learning Organization as a Paradigm Learning to learn Managing learningLN($$N( $$ mThe Pragmatic Imperative  $ Relative Changes in 100 Largest U.S. Firms: 1980-1992 Eighteen moved up in rank Thirteen stayed the same Twenty-five fell back Forty-four were reclassified, merged, acquired, or dropped Hodgetts & Luthans,  New Paradigm Organizations. Organizational Dynamics, Winter 94.d7V52 n5Relative Changes in 100 Largest U.S. Firms: 1980-1992 65$Decile One through ten Eight stayed in Decile Two dropped: one dropped four Deciles Decile 11 through 20 None moved up One stayed in same Decile One dropped two; another four Deciles Seven dropped out altogetherP=k=kAre Your Employees Thinking? $Two-thirds of workers and managers claim their organizations are operating on less than half the brainpower available. Workers (57%) and mangers (49%) claim they don t understand decisions made by top management.Are Your Employees Thinking? $Workers (39%) and managers (29%) are not clear about their roles in solving problems and making decisions. Managers (40%) agree: workers don t receive training to improve thinking skills. Peak.  Are Your Employees Thinking? Management Review 86 (1997): 6-7.:%rThe Ethical ImperativeLife is full of threats & opportunities, demands & constraints ( pressures ). Human beings have unique, powerful capabilities to learn how to meet and embrace these pressures if the potential is developed/employed. Life is short too valuable to waste.uThe Ethical ImperativeIf . . . the organization is a center for human community and endeavor to achieve the results its stakeholders truly care about. If . . . it is surrounded by an environment full of threats, opportunities, demands, and constraints.DcThe Ethical ImperativeIf . . . human beings in community have unique and powerful capabilities to learn how to meet these pressures. If . . . the organization is a center for human community and endeavor to achieve the results its stakeholders truly care about.6nwThe Ethical ImperativeIf . . . in meeting these pressures, being ineffective, inefficient or inexcellent is a waste of this human potential. And if . . . one should not waste human potential. Then . . . .|D., v"Organizational Ethics & Excellence#"Fully developing and employing the human potential to learn, in order to achieve the lives an organization s stakeholders truly care to live, is a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for it to be both ethical and excellent.* 54)Four Paths to Managing Change & Learning*)(Environmental Path Organization for an Evolving World Psycho-Philosophical Path Individual Challenge and Learning & Growth Organizational Path Systemic Congruency Micro Path Change and Change Managementj$, bW8Environmental Path Organization for an Evolving World D90#006jZ Civilization With agricultural revolution, civilization as we know it became possible Division of labor Division of cultures Ability to accumulate wealth Integrated through empire, law, and religion The  Great Forgetting (Daniel Quinn, Ishmael )bID]IDD 7gYDarkness and LightDark ages characterized by hierarchy Church Nobility Divine Right of Kings Rational Reaction Reformation Renaissance Age of Reason Scottish EnlightenmentP%&=%&=2Industrial Revolution and the Rise of Bureaucracy32(Max Weber and Von Bismarck Bureaucratic Model Division of functions Power relationships Separation from environment Austrian Economics/Socialism Debate Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management<.FO.FO Political-Economic ContextWorld War Fascism Communism Capitalism Destruction of Europe and Asia Post Wars/Cold War Period characterized by: Socialism Crony CapitalismP K K Decline of BureaucracyEventual Collapse of Communism Inevitable Rise of Globalism Rise, Collapse and Rise Again of Asian economies. Triumph of Capitalism premature as people continue to look to government for essentials.Decline of BureaucracyWhy Socialism fails over time Unable to meet expectations Central Control Ignorant Stifles creativity Why Crony Capitalism succeeds in short-run Relatively effective Relatively efficient Relatively ethicalPH+=H+= Decline of BureaucracyBoth socialism and crony capitalism Meet Immediate needs Not free market Undemocratic Both promise unsustainable benefits: Do not fully employ human potential Unable to tap distributed knowledge, especially tacit knowledge Not responsiveP$2%s$2%sxRise / Decline of FreedomFreer the economy, better able to weather turmoil Freer the economy, stronger the currency Freer the economy, higher the economic growth rate Freer the economy, smaller the gap between rich and poor Johnson & Holmes, Wall Street Journal (Dec. 1, 1998) ByEconomic Freedom1. Hong Kong 2. Singapore 3. Bahrain 4. New Zealand 5. Switzerland 6. United States 7. Ireland, Luxembourg, Taiwan, UK    # Evolution versus Change(Change described is largely self-inflicted Demographics Technology Impact on Environment Human relationship to evolution of world Conducive to evolution Controlling evolution Coping with consequences Crisis/Chaos when lose  control P+.)g+.)g Change as Contemporary Norm(Overarching source: competition Geographic boundaries evaporating Traditional oligarchies are collapsing Regulatory changes and privatization spawning new industries Customers learning to expect more Government policy changesq^The Organizational Challenge If . . . change is a constant; If . . . rate of change is accelerating; If distributed knowledge is the principal organizational asset; and If . . . free market and democracy are societal norms Then . . . what must the effective, efficient, ethical organization change / evolve to become?x!'B4[Organizational Ideals(aPEPsycho-Philosophical Path Individual Challenge and Learning & Growth*F*<*9 Flow State (A sense of pleasure A merging of awareness and action A sense of control one s activity An altered sense of time, which seems to pass faster A sense of harmony and growth A sense the experience is worth doing for its own sake : Flow Conditions (Meaningful activity for the agent Project presents a balance of challenges and skills, relative to the agent Environment provides opportunity for agent's concentration and involvement Unambiguous feedback Sense that control is possible in principlezMeaningful ActivityPurpose and vision, which identify us as a part of the universal order and identify us with harmonious growth. Challenges that allow us to express our potential, to learn about our limits, to stretch our being.>0KOrganizational Path A Systems Congruency Approach to Organizational Change.L6$;) Organizations as Complex Systems ! $$Harmony achieved through evolutionary changes in an organism s complexity, i.e., an increase in both differentiation and integration. An organism Learns & Grows within (changes as fast or faster than) its environment or ceases to exist.LK$$Y$ $%$?1N@Element VII: Effective Feedback" (Reactive Feedback that which we measure or quantify Participative Feedback that which we communicate, evaluate and learn from Latent/Insidious Feedback that which subtly influences perceptions of  the way we do things here ^$#$$4$$I$RD)Micro Path Change and Change Management6* SETF%Ethics & Policy Essential Activities&%([MEthical LeadershipIntervention and Impact on Essential Human Capacities and Attributes Coercion Manipulation Persuasion Facilitation Inspiration Beyond Coercion toward InspirationTE:#E: \N True Competitive AdvantageSHow to reshape an organization To quickly/efficiently respond to constant shifts in the business environment Sustain its competitive advantage Exploit its innate competitive strengths How to stay focused on tomorrow without losing sight of what must be done today How to inculcate change without creating chaos, instability, and paralysis<  {.Search for Competitive Advantage Nadler (1998)*/!$  Intellectual Capital: organization s collective knowledge Organizational Capabilities: abilities of people to collectively accomplish established goals Organizational Architecture: structures, systems, processes, and distribution of power Organizational Culture: collective values, attitudes, beliefs, assumptions, patterns of authorityzQ&C<LIntellectual CapitalkResult of organizational learning Over time or through resources Examples Xerox Kaiser Permanente Microsoft*J"J" Organizational CapabilitiesFunction of tradition, shared values, culture, and reinforcing its culture Combined strengths of the organization Examples Canon 3M Merck({{r_Organizational ArchitectureDesign Structure, Systems, Processes Exploit collective knowledge Capitalize on capabilities that will make them unique In sync with organizational culture  Organizational CultureDifference between power and authority Relationship between Organizational Culture and National Culture Beliefs, Assumptions, Judgments &Elements of Organizational Performance('&$Strategy Formal Organizational Structures/Systems/Processes People Tasks Organizational Culture/Diversity Quality Judgment/Quality Action Feedback| Quality Judgment Essential Human Capacities Developed/Employed Impacted/Affected/Knowledgeable Quality Action Quality Judgment Time to Employ Time to Reflect/Learn Impact on Capacities ConsidereddN7 N7 t` %Requirements for Integrated Change I&%(zTurning status quo on its ear New styles of leadership, rather than traditional command and control and rigid hierarchies 4{ ho]&Requirements for Integrated Change II'&(Range of skills and techniques, all focused on articulating a vision, setting strategic objectives, and winning the understanding and commitment of the entire organization Building momentum for change while keeping elements of organization in relative balance]OpSummary"6,Four Aspects of Change Learning Organization--0l[Summary"(Four Aspects of Change Nature and Sources of Change How to Implement change How to manage change Nature of the Organization to Deal with Change Nadler, Champions of Change (1998)Vy#$y oSummary"(Learning Organization Free market and democratic Shared vision, shared values Provides hope, identity, and purpose Organizational Learning Senge, de Geus, Halal, Jacobs, et al.Xu&$u %$k\What to Look for in Readings (Why we fail at learning How to succeed at learning What must change What the Organizational Architecture must be Structures Systems Processes What the Organizational Culture must be<q(q(}.Framework-Developing Questions Managing Change0/(  What are the nature and sources of change? What is change management and managing change? How do they differ? Why and when should an organization implement or manage change?$.Framework-Developing Questions Managing Change0/(  How does change management differ from other management programs? What bottom-line results should an organization reasonably expect from strategic change?$~Managing Change QuestionsWhat are the key concepts, values, principles, and practices of change management? How does an organization implement strategic change? How does an organization manage change?$Managing Change QuestionsCWhat is the nature of an organization prepared to deal with change?DD$k8Framework-Developing Questions The Learning Organization,9( What is a learning organization? How does the learning organization differ from other paradigms? Why should any organization be a learning organization? >$$$$lLearning Organization Questions (What bottom-line results can be reasonably expected from being a learning organization? What are the principal conditions for and obstacles to building a learning organization?$Learning Organization Questions (What are the key concepts, values, principles, and practices of the learning organization? How does an organization become a learning organization?$sLearning Organization Questions (.How does an organization manage its learning? //$uaWorks Consulted (Beach, Lee Roy. Image Theory: Decision Making in Personal and Organizational Contexts. Chichester and New York: John Wiley, 1990. Beauchamp, Tom L. Case Studies in Business, Society, and Ethics. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. Collins James C. and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. New York: HarperBusiness, 1997. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi. The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.=G- Y9<8!ycWorks Consulted (De Gues. Aries.  The Living Company. Readings for MGT/563 Managing Change. University of Phoenix Edition, 1998. Donaldson, Thomas, and Patricia H. Werhane. eds. Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. Earley, P. Christopher and Miriam Erez. The Transplanted Executive: Why You Need to Understand How Workers in Other Countries See the World Differently. New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.d4 [o(hWorks Consulted (Fritz, Robert. The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life. Rev. ed. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1989. ---. Corporate Tides: The Inescapable Laws of Organizational Structure. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1996. Fukuyama, Francis. Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. New York: Free Press, 1995. Hayek, Friedrich A. The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, ed. W. W. Bartley III, vol. 1: The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.P7A;82"!+-jWorks Consulted (nGoh, Swee.  Toward a Learning Organization: The Strategic Building Blocks. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal 63 (1998): 15-20. Halal, William E. and William E. Hatal, . The New Management: Bringing Democracy and Markets Inside Organizations. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1998. Hodgetts, Richard M. and Fred Luthans.  New Paradigm Organizations: From Total Quality to Learning to World-Class. Organizational Dynamics 23 (1994): 4-19.~L"9LqWorks Consulted (Hofstede, Geert. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. London: McGraw-Hill, 1991. Jacobs, Robert W. Real Time Strategic Change: How to Involve an Entire Organization in Fast and Far-Reaching Change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1997. Johnson, Bryan T. and Kim R. Holmes.  Freedom is the Surest Path to Prosperity. Wall Street Journal (December 1, 1998): A22. Kennedy, Eugene and Sara C. Charles. Authority: The Most Misunderstood Idea in America. New York: Free Press, 1997. ~1.cw?3~eWorks Consulted (Kohn, Alfie. Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A s and Other Bribes. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. Leavitt, Harold. "Management and Management Education in the West: What's Right and What's Wrong?" The Management of Organizations: Strategies, Tactics, Analyses, Ed. Michael L. Tushman, Charles O'Reilly, and David A. Nadler. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. Leoni, Bruno. Freedom and the Law. 3rd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1991.  W.c>m,gWorks Consulted (bMises, Ludwig von. Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. 3rd rev. ed. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1966. Nadler, David A. with Mark B. Nadler. Champions of Change: How CEOs and Their Companies are Mastering the Skills of Radical Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Pascale, Richard, Mark Milleman, and Linda Gioja.  Changing the Way We Change. Readings for MGT/563 Managing Change. University of Phoenix Edition, 1998. % Y\"Works Consulted (Pasternak, Bruce E. and Viscio, Albert J. The Centerless Corporation: A New Model for Transforming Your Organization for growth and Prosperity. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. Peak, Martha.  Are Your Employees Thinking? Management Review 86 (1997): 6-7. Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. Bantum Paperback ed. New York: Bantum/Turner, 1993 . . . My Ishmael. New York: Bantum, 1997.dv*Z[ &eWorks Consulted (Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday Currency, 1990. Senge, Peter M., Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Richard B. Ross, and Bryan J. Smith. The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday Currency, 1994. Smith, T. Alexander. Time and Public Policy. Knoxville: University of Tennessee, 1988. Sowell, Thomas. Knowledge and Decisions. 1980. New York: BasicBooks, 1996.~G|Y<;${dWorks Consulted (`Tushman, Michael L., Charles O Reilly and David A. Nadler. eds. The Management of Organizations: Strategies, Tactics, Analyses. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. Yankelovich, Daniel. Coming to Public Judgment: Making Democracy Work in a Complex World. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1991. Zand, Dale E. The Leadership Triad: Knowledge, Trust, and Power. New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. Kenneth W. Johnson 1998, 1999 Kenneth W. Johnson}4 @>5D,1)3Pb* ` ff33f` ffD3f` MMM` f3fD"Yf` f3f6f3f` 3f̙f>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``@n?" dd@  @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>K0 &&&( ezXz   H2,$@ 0>   0e0e     ?B)CDElFt @ 5% 8c8c     ?1 0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p @A)BCD|E?||c $)6N_i> _4% #j +  y  p  d(78@ #  3 0e0e     ?BCnDEF @ 5% 8c8c     ?1 0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p @A)BCD|E?||//  MoK0YVS_^tT, [v] T5  G r C  ]smm#h g:Y/x|!  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Johnson    . .62 L: 1998, 1999 Kenneth W. 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