Aspects of Corporate Responsibility Programs
Bringing Out
the Best in People. There is an Italian saying: "Il
lavoro nobilita l'uomo, e lo rende simile alle bestie;"
or "Work gives man nobility, and turns him into an animal."
Attention to organizational ethics surfaces the nobility of
enterprise and employee alike to achieve a genuine sense of
This Site sets
forth a systems approach to organizational design and development.
Holistic, it considers the mind, body, and spirit of those
involved or affected by the organization. Interdisciplinary,
it brings together insights from anthropology, psychology,
sociology, political economics, sociobiology, literature,
management theory and practice, science and technology,
and, of course, philosophy to help leaders find and assert
the balances needed to achieve organizational purposes and
serve human needs. It is based upon the work of the Austrian
School of Economics, especially Ludwig
von Mises and Friedrich
This synthesis
can itself be organized into seven questions about organizational
ethics. It sets forth the essential concepts, values, principles,
and practices of organizational ethics, the foundation of
organizational integrity. Such an organization is a "learning
organization" that identifies with the world as a whole.
Ethics and Integrity.
ethics is a tool that shapes an organization as a community.
In every organization, there is something that works well,
which can serve as a foundation for significant progress
toward a desired future. Organizational ethics pays special
attention to the best of an organization's past and present
to ignite its collective imagination of what might be. It
builds from what is working well now toward where the organization
and its stakeholders truly desire to go. Organizational
ethics sees an organization as a community to be valued
and explored. It strives to quicken and intensify existing
individual capabilities and organizational capacities, extend
their number and scope, organize them so that their conflicts
will be harmonized, and mobilize their energies of will
and intellect to bring them to self-realization. Organizational
integrity is the end sought. It is a dynamic state of being
and process; it both shapes and improves. It is about moving
the organization toward its guiding image of the future.
Integrity as Learning. The paradigm of the organization
of integrity is the still-developing notion of the learning
organization. At the heart of the learning organization
is the belief that enormous human potential lies locked,
underdeveloped and underemployed (or operating at cross-purposes),
in our organizations. Though the accent to date has been
on organizational "learning to learn," organizational integrity
is the essence of the learning organization. more The learning
organization is a true community of cooperative inquiry
and action. It strives to shape its own future. It fosters
the generative learning of its members. It develops, adapts,
and transforms itself in appreciation of the well-formed
visions, views, and expectations of all it involves or affects.
It sees itself as an integral part of its world. The learning
organization does all these while preserving its core purpose,
values and vision of a desired future.
Outcomes of
Effective Corporate Responsibility Programs.
What can one expect from an effective ethics/compliance
program? It should be designed to shape the organization
as a community in dynamic connection with the world around
it, and accomplish more specific outcomes. A recent study
published in the California Management Review organized
the expected outcomes this way:
- Reduced Unethical/Illegal
- Awareness
of Ethical/Legal Issues
- Willingness
to Seek Ethical/Legal Advice
- Willingness
to Report Wrongdoing
- Willingness
to Take Bad news to Management
- Use of Values
in Judgment Processes
- Employee Commitment
to the Organization
- Meeting external
stakeholder expectations (added
by EPIC)
How to Use
This Site. Organized into the answers to seven
questions, it treats the dominant issues in organizational
ethics today, and points the way to organizational dialogue.
Begin with whatever question intrigues you most, and see
how it opens your vistas.
These works contributed
significantly to the development of the Organizational Integrity
approach. Arranged by importance to the topic rather than
alphabetically or chronologically, they-and other works-may
be secured through this site by arrangement with Amazon.com.
of effective ethics programs:
Linda K., et al. "Managing Ethics and Legal Compliance:
What Works and What Hurts." California Management
Review 41 (1999): 131-51.