just wanted to thank you for an extremely interesting website,
and believe me - I have gone through a lot! . . .Those questions
are exactly the ethical questions you are addressing in
your site. . . . Thanks again, and I will certainly follow
your site with a keen interest from now on. Sweden
visited your web site today and was really moved by the
situation and letter you had to write to the mother of the
Marine who had fallen asleep on post. It brought back a
similar experience. . . ." USA
provide real value in pulling together what is no doubt
a lot of information on this topic. Selecting, refining
and prioritizing saves your visitors from doing the same.
. . ." USA
behalf of my group mates, we would like to thank you for
this coming up with this website, for without this our study
would not be possible. Consequently, we would like to ask
for your assistance in giving us additional information
regarding Organizational Integrity." Philippines
is the great website [EPIC-online.net] that was the source
for the recent article I sent to you. Great articles on
organizational ethics." USA
of its links offers stuff you may want to use -- some is
timely, new, other stuff is solid research to use as sources,
other stuff is contacts and networks. Very valuable, from
people doing every day the kind of ethics & policy work
we love ! USA
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