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Question 2. Law and Ethics, and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

These works contributed significantly to the development of the Organizational Integrity approach. Arranged by importance to the topic rather than alphabetically or chronologically, they-and other works-may be secured through this site by arrangement with Amazon.com.

Organizational Ethics Programs:

Federal Sentencing Guidelines:

  • Kaplan, Jeffrey M., Joseph E. Murphy, and Winthrop M. Swenson, eds. Compliance Programs and the Corporate Sentencing Guidelines: Preventing Criminal and Civil Liability. New York: Clark, Boardman, Callaghan, 1997. (A loose leaf anthology, which includes the history of the FSG. Primarily compliance oriented, but does have a number of essays on broader ethics concerns and integrating an effective program.)
  • Sigler, Jay A., and Joseph E. Murphy. Interactive Corporate Compliance: An Alternative to Regulatory Compulsion. New York: Quorum Books, 1988.
  • For more information, especially an excellent bibliography of resources, check the web site of the Federal Sentencing Commission: http://www.ussc.gov.


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